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Contagious Hymn

Contagious Hymn published on Purchase

Hey folks!  I didn’t have a deep theological point to make this week.  I really just wanted to draw Grimalkin yawning.  Sitting around the house all day every day, I see how much my cats and dog are just total bums.  They sleep all day, only moving because the bit of sunlight from the window moved off of them.

As many of our states move into the first phase of reopening, churches are beginning to imagine what it would be like to gather together again.  One of the biggest worries about gathering is that we can’t, or rather, shouldn’t sing together.

What will worship look like without singing?  All the people out there who hate singing are secretly cheering, but the rest of us are legit concerned. We will have to get creative in worship!  We will have to come up with artful and meaningful ways for the church to gather in prayer and praise, to respond to the word with one voice.  Here in fasting from congregational singing we may have an unforeseen opportunity to use the other senses and artful expressions to bring one voice to God in prayer and praise.

I’d love to brainstorm with you what that might look like but my cat just crawled in my lap and reminded me how low my motivation and ambition is these days.  Maybe it’s time to hibernate.

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