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America Bible Story Hour

America Bible Story Hour published on Purchase

Hey there readers.

You may have noticed I’m not posting every Tuesday, like I promised.  Turns out Lent has been incredibly busy for this youth pastor (my actual, full-time, paying job), and unfortunately, Wesley Bros Comics have taken the back burner.  For now, I will not be able to promise weekly comics, but I will continue to post and send to my subscribers as I am able to.  Thank you for your understanding!

I recently came across a VERY REAL advertisement for the God Bless the USA Bible, including the following incredible features:

  • “Handwritten chorus to “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood.”
  • “The US Constitution”
  • “The bill of Rights”
  • “The Declaration of Independence”
  • “The Pledge of Allegiance”

And the ad included Donald Trump endorsing this bible!  It’s only $59.99 and I’m sad to say, you have to wait almost two-months to receive your copy, “due to high order volume.”

I’m sure Facebook and/or Instagram will request me to remove this post because it’s offensive to somebody, but the truth is, my comic this week is only satire because I wrote it. It could otherwise very easily be read as the legitimate beliefs of white christian nationalists.  I’ll let you do with that what you will.  Happy Easter!

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