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What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It? published on No Comments on What’s Love Got To Do With It?

St. Valentine of Rome (3rd. c.) is mostly a man of legend.  While we have no writings from him, he is said to have boldly defied the laws of Emperor Claudius II during a time of Christian persecution, performing Christian marriage when it was forbidden, and providing charity and works of mercy for Christians who legally had no rights.  It seems anyone caught doing these things could be legally arrested.  Legends vary as to why he was ultimately tortured and beaten to death under official orders, but each story of his death has to do with his refusal to tow the party line, jeopardizing his own personal safety for the sake of loving both those harmed by the law and the lawmakers.  Valentine embodies nonviolent active resistance and radical love for enemies unto his death, willing to receive the legal punishment for fulfilling his commitment to the crucified Christ.

Mennonite pacifist John Howard Yoder challenges any Christian viewpoint that denies the political nature of Christianity.  Jesus didn’t try to make discipleship attractive to draw in the crowds…”to be a disciple is to share in that style of life of which the cross is the culmination” (Politics of Jesus, 38).  Yoder argues that the political life of the Christian is neither insurrection (violent uprising) or quietism (peaceful disengagement), but the way of the cross.  Yoder explains, “Here at the cross is the man who loves his enemies, the man whose righteousness is greater than that of the Pharisees, who being rich became poor, who gives his robe to those who took his cloak, who prays for those who despitefully use him.  The cross is not a detour or a hurdle on the way to the kingdom, nor is it even the way to the kingdom; it is the kingdom come” (Politics, 51).  Our call as disciples is to count of the cost of cruciform living, and to take up action in the imitation of our cruciform God.

That is Christianity that is actually counter-cultural.  It is hard, unappealing, and it will probably get you killed.  Happy Valentine’s Day!  Hope you get lucky, but only if you’re married!

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