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My Comics

Gen’l Confluence Cometh, Page 4

Gen’l Confluence Cometh, Page 4 published on Purchase

Welcome to Page 4 of a series I’m putting together to coincide with The General Conference of The United Methodist Church, 2024! While John and Charles worry about the best ways to approach Tradition and Reason within the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, George Whitefield (repping Experience) and Phoebe Palmer (repping Scripture) are ready to ENGAGE!  Notably in today’s comic, I wanted to highlight the teachings of Phoebe Palmer, perhaps the most influential Methodist woman in the 19th century.  Palmer had always struggled with the emotional side of religion, and had wondered if she were a true Christian if she didn’t feel that heart strangely warmed.  But she became convinced through Scripture that conviction was more important than feeling. Palmer began to teach the Wesleyan doctrine of Christian perfection, or entire sanctification, is something that is achieved by God’s grace through human conviction. If you are convinced God sanctifies, then you are sanctified to live and act in holiness right now.  For Palmer, as for Wesley before her, theology is only as important as the action it leads to in the world.

Now do you still ask, How soon may I expect to arrive at this state of perfection? Just so soon as you come believingly, and make the required sacrifice, it will be done unto you according to your faith. Christ came to take away our sin, to destroy the works of the devil, and to purge us from all iniquity. The purpose of man’s redemption is not accomplished until he is presented perfect in Christ Jesus. When the Savior said, “It is finished!” then this full salvation was wrought out for you. All that remains is for you to come complying with the conditions, and claim it. As it has been purchased for you, it is already yours. If you do not now receive it, the delay will not be on the part of God, but wholly with yourself.’

-Palmer, From Faith and Its Effects (1848), Letter No. VII.

This meeting of the General Conference is filled with anticipation, and for the first time in a long time, a sense of greater unity. My hope through these  posts is to reflect on some of our Wesleyan heritage and doctrine as a means of grace, a place to find courage and conviction in God’s already saving grace. Some days the comics will be silly and snarky, some days will be punny, and some days will be more reflective.   If you’re not at GC 2024, please don’t miss it! You can find live-streaming, schedules, and so much more at!



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